Pepper the Robot

Pepper the humanoid robot

     Pepper is one of the most emotional robot which built by a France company, Adebarance. He can entertain you by reading your emotional, face, smiling, actions, and your words. In contrast, he doesn't clean, not for heavy industry, or neither cooking. His lovely face, will take you to the world of entertainment. His style of body movement will make you fell like you have a dude stand by you.

To be a true social companion Pepper needs to be able to understand your emotions. If you burst out laughing, he will know you are in a good mood. If you frown, Pepper will understand that something is bothering you.

Rather than this, he can understand your words toward him, and give you a unlimited conversation. Pepper also can express emotions, and this is what makes him so cute! We can say he has a real personality conveyed by his body language, his funny gestures and his voice.Peppers loves to talk with humans, he's very curious about us! As you continue to interact with him Pepper will recognize you and learn new things about your tastes. Capable of both adaptation and self-improvement, he will soon be able to search for new applications to surprise and entertain you!Pepper's goal is to learn and grow step-by-step so that one day he can be your companion at home. We challenge all developers and creative minds to help us with this goal and make him evolve!


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